Sunday, 19 September 2021 10:14

"You made us for yourself, GOD ..."

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Consecrated persons follow the Lord in a special way and in a prophetic way; are called to render ...

live, in daily life, the signs of God's presence so as to become interlocutors of the "already" and "not yet". They are called to be wise people who know how to answer the questions that God and humanity ask us. Pope Francis writes: "The great challenge for every consecrated person is the ability to continue to seek God" with the eyes of faith, in a world that ignores his presence ", proposing life to the man and woman of today. chaste, poor and obedient of Jesus as a credible and reliable sign and thus becoming "a living exegesis of the Word of God" ”.

Let us raise to the Most High, Almighty and Good Lord the hymn of thanksgiving for the fruits of holiness and grace that he bestowed on our sister Sister Maria Giovanna through consecrated life: 60 years well spent in the service of God and neighbor.

We address our most sincere wishes to Sister Anna Maria Mistri, who every day gives herself without measure to each sister, and to all the sisters of the community of Spello, who in their lives embody the Word of God. We thank our dear mother general, Sr. Maria Tita, for her affectionate presence as a mother, Sister Lucia Andrioletti, provincial superior and every sister who participated with love and dedication in our joy.

With hearts filled with love, let us raise our praises to the Lord to one voice, exclaiming: "This is how good it is and how sweet it is that brothers live together".

Read 1059 times Last modified on Friday, 03 December 2021 08:32


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