Thursday, 26 August 2021 09:16

Charism & Spirituality

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Our charism-spirituality is synthetically expressed by art. 2 of our Constitutions:

Our form of life, according to the charism-spirituality of the Foundress, is to live in fraternity the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, "Spouse crucified naked, and forsaken" and in him to be sent to "work hard for the conversion of overseas people", in fidelity to Mother Church, in the footsteps of St. Francis, a true friend and imitator of Christ.

Even the name, Franciscan Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, says a lot about us:


The Most High himself revealed to me that I had to live according to the form of the Holy Gospel (St. Francis)

Called to live the Gospel in fraternity and minority, we profess the rule and life of the brothers and sisters of the regular Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi.

Like him, we want to welcome and live the word of God in its integrity, to incarnate it in our personal and community existence as a sign of our faithful and joyful love for God.

Missionaries of Egypt

The main purpose that led us to Egypt was precisely to work hard in order to gain souls for God. (Mother M. Caterina Troiani)

Called to go "to all peoples" to proclaim the Gospel with an itinerant and penitent spirit, we insert ourselves in the history and tradition of peoples, we promote ecumenical and interreligious dialogue by collaborating in local pastoral care.

Our apostolic activities, which began in Cairo-Egypt and now spread to various parts of the world, are a privileged mediation for the mission of evangelization and human promotion that the Church carries out in the world.

said of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Put everything in the hands of Our Lady, our mother (Mother M. Caterina Troiani)

Called to live like Mary, in the Word of God and in service, we entrust our whole being to the action of the Spirit, to be transformed into a gift of charity to the Church and to the world.

Mary, Star of evangelization, guides us on our journey among the men and women of our time so that we can give them the joy of Christ's presence and exhort them to welcome his Love.

Read 1350 times Last modified on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 09:29
More in this category: « Africa Blessed Catherine in art »


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