Monday, 13 September 2021 12:09

Celebration in Heaven and on earth...

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Celebration in Heaven and on earth for this 25th anniversary of religious profession of our dearest ...

sr. M. Carmen; in reality it is a "25 plus 1" because we know well the experience of these times during the last year ... Today we are finally all here, including Mother Roberta, a very special guest of Paradise who is present in a different way, without occupying no place among the benches down here, because the infinite already inhabits.
We are truly happy to find ourselves in this Eucharistic celebration, together with our dearest Mother Mary, the provincial superior, many sisters and the family of sr. M. Carmen, to simply say "thank you": thanks to the Most High who included sr. M. Carmen, among her brides, is beloved of her, as Mother Caterina would say, and thanks to sr. M. Carmen to have replied with the here I am of her.
The meeting of these two "yes" made it possible to make the life of Sr. M. Carmen a masterpiece at the service of the Church and the Institute, giving her a loving and caring look on the many children and young people who are entrusted to her every year. With joy in our hearts, we entrust sr. M. Carmen to Mary Most Holy, to St. Francis and to our Blessed Mother Catherine, so that from Heaven they sustain her with the necessary vigor to continue to be the perfume of Christ, salt of the earth and light of the world.

Read 914 times Last modified on Monday, 13 September 2021 12:55


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