The Easter of Resurrection is God's surprise for his faithful people: rejoice, because your life hides a seed of...
Lode a Te, Signore, per il “sì” gioioso di queste tue spose, sr. M Pauline, sr. M. Benedette e sr. M. Perpetua che...
A Maria, «Madre del Figlio», «Figlia prediletta del Padre» e «Sposa dello Spirito Santo»...
Proprio all'inzio del mese dedicato a Maria, le nostre sorelle sr M.Lidya e sr. Berenice, hanno rinnovato...
Enrtiamo oggi nella Grande Settimana, che commemora gli ultimi atti della missione di Gesù in questo...
In questo particolare momento di grazia ci ritroviamo come Istituto riunito in preghiera...
Ringraziamo con gioia il Padre che ci ha resi capaci di partecipare alla sorte dei santi nella luce.
E' stato un giovedì davvero speciale, in cui tutta la fraternità di Spello, con la nostra carissima Superiora Generale
Madre Caterina aveva gran divozione a Gesù Sacramentato. Ogni tanto si vedeva davanti a Gesù ...
Consecrated life is born and reborn of an encounter with Jesus as he is: poor, chaste and obedient...
"Whenever you did these things to one of these least of my brothers, you did it to me" (Mt 25,40) ...
Scuola Caterina Troiani, a training ground for life, once you cross the threshold you immerse yourself in a...
Today 4 postulants in Amparo, Brazil, have decided to embark on their journey of discernment...
On the day of the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, the sisters and the church of Tarkwa-Ghana...
Today our Institute and, in particular, the beloved Brazilian land rejoices with joy for the new shoots...
All’inizio dei questo nuovo anno, sentiamo la necessità di manifestare al Signore del tempo e della storia...
The star that led the Magi on their journey towards the marvelous encounter with the Word of God made flesh ...
On this second Sunday of Advent, the Word of God calls us to prepare the way of the Lord...
This first Sunday of Advent invites us to raise and raise our heads, these are the two verbs of anti fear ...
Sunday 21 November 2021 was celebrated in Rome, in the Franciscan Institute in Via Sette Chiese...
One day filled with so much joy, Sr. M. Paola Waga completed her medical studies at the Cuban University...
On Monday, 18th October 2021, a worldwide prayer campaign invited us all to join the ‘One Million Children...
In December 2018, a few days after my arrival in Port Said, Egypt, my colleague and friend Salvatore...
Consecrated persons follow the Lord in a special way and in a prophetic way; are called to render ...
Another great gift for our Congregation: on the day we celebrate the exaltation of the cross...
All the sisters of the school teacher Caterina of the Trojan of Reggio Calabria together with the ...
Celebration in Heaven and on earth for this 25th anniversary of religious profession of our dearest ...
Even today God visits us benefiting our Institute from new vocations: three young people in Guinea Bissau...
This year the Franciscan march, with the theme: "A step forward", took place from August 1st until ...
E’ nello spirito e nella gioia di questa beatitudine che ci uniamo a sr Marsa nel giorno della sua professione...